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In-Person Conferences: Theyโ€™re BACK!!!

By Mary P. Walker, Petrus Blog Contributor & Local Charity Board Member

In-Person Conferences: They’re BACK!!!

For over a year, we’ve zoomed our way through classes, conferences and special events. I have two fundraising lunches and a state convention on my calendar in the next...

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Digital Gatherings: Reinventing Fundraising in 2021

Is your ministry wondering how to reach and motivate benefactors in the midst of the shutdowns?

We have been watching the landscape of fundraising at all sorts of Catholic organizations this year to see what is working.

And we have found one strategy that is standing out above the rest.



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Making Real Money through Virtual Events

 By Mary P. Walker, Petrus Blog Contributor & Local Charity Board Member

Over the last eight months, special event fundraising has morphed from live gatherings to cyberspace experiences. During this time, I have “attended” a number of virtual events, watched others on...

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